But I did grab some NZ snacks to share with my friends Bea and Andrea tonight. And I thought I would offer you my snackspert impression of Auckland's cure for the munchies.
Here's the lineup:
1. Signature Range's Chilli (they spell it that way) & Lime flavored tortilla chips
2. ToffeePops
3. Hokey Pokey Squiggles
4. Home Brand Party Mix
My assessment:
1. The Tortilla Chips: Actually Pretty Good! I've had lime flavored chips before and they can be pretty zesty, but these have a nice, laid-back flavoring so that the corn really comes through. Perfect for those nice, laid-back evenings maaaaaaaaaan! Post hackey-sack feed food!
2. ToffeePops: Muy excelente! It's basically a cookie with a layer of caramel covered in dark chocolate. The Pop part of the name probably comes from the fact that I could Pop a whole bunch into my mouth right now! That or the fact that they make the shirt buttons Pop after too many.
3. Squiggles: There's this flavor that I keep seeing all over the place (candy, ice-cream, cookies, etc.) called Hokey Pokey. I have no idea what Hokey Pokey is, so I decided to get some Squiggles which are advertised to be centered around the flavor. Well, I tried one and it tasted sort of butterscotchy. I still have no idea what Hokey Pokey is, but the cookies are alright. I prefer ToffeePops. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be "shaking all about" in terms of this Hokey Pokey stuff. Maybe it's best not to know.
4. Home Brand Party Mix: I think Home Brand is kind of like a NZ version of "Sam's Choice." That should have been my first indication. The second should have been when I pulled out, I kid you not, a marshmallow milk can. Hmm. So I ate it. And guess what. It was as appetizing as it was visually appealing. I think I'm going to stay away from the Party Mix in the future. Here's a visual review:
In review, NZ snack food = acceptable for playing hours of Call of Duty while wearing Xbox pants. In other words: success! Except for weird marshmallow creations.
In other snack news, I definitely ran across a pack of "Starburst Rattlesnakes." At first I thought to myself "How can we not have these in the US?!?!" Then I looked more closely and realized why. They looked pretty phallic. Fruitily phallic?
Also, Andrea pointed out that what I bought at the grocery store today (since I had already done my "real" shopping earlier in the week) was ToffeePops, Squiggles, Gummies, Chips, an energy drink, and light cream cheese. I told her it's 'cause I'm on a diet.
PS As you can tell, my Star Wars shirt has not been forgotten. Now I'm off to the Toshe station to pick up some power converters. Heart!