Monday, August 31, 2009

27 Candles

Hi. So it's been a ton of months and I'm sorry. Thanks for the threats (thinly-veiled and otherwise). In my defense, all I do these days is write. It's just easier to write about things not-myself.

Two days ago I turned 27. I've always had a pretty ambivalent relationship with the day of my birth. When I turned two, my gift was my baby brother Luke. So since that age I've always had a shared birthday, which has served as a constant reminder that August 30th is not just my day. It is also Mary Shelley's. And Warren Buffet's.

August 30th falls at an awkward time of the year. Growing up it was always just when school was starting. This meant that birthdays could potentially be clouded by the looming school year. It also meant that there was not a heavily populated pool from which to invite party guests as summer meant loss of contact with many friends and acquaintences. But I think that birthdays, like names, suit individuals. I've always found it a bit hard to have a bunch of attention directed at me (hence my blog problems). I know, I know, I was the frontman of some metal bands for a number of years, but you have to take into consideration that most people who saw us would either look away in fright or be wincing in pain at the loudness, so it still wasn't much attention. So having a laid-back birthday is pretty great. Although every once in awhile it can be tough.

Here are some tough birthdays:
19 - I had just moved to Milwaukee to start my undergraduate degree. I didn't know anyone and when meeting people did not necessarily feel like saying something along the lines of "Hi, I'm Travis. By the way, it's my freaking birthday." A couple people found out and we ate pizza and watched Fight Club in my dorm room. Was a homesick birthday.

25 - I had just moved to Dallas the previous week. My first Sunday there I won a church drawing. My prize was 5 full meals (filled in punch cards) to a restaurant called The Jalapeno Tree. We decided to utilize the meal cards with some of the other guy interns as a birthday celebration. I had the "Arnold Schwarzenegger" burrito. All their food was named after action movie stars, which I was into. However, when we tried to cash in the meal cards, the manager came out and accused us of theft. Apparently the person who donated the cards to the church drawing did not inform management. It was a mess. And I pretty much look guilty 24-7. So that didn't help.

Here are some good birthdays:
16 - Instead of presents, my parents asked everyone to bring me Jolt Cola. That's a true indication of parental love because I think I was wired until the next year. I don't remember much about being 16. Thank you Jolt!

26 - Nothing can be better than a sour cream chocolate peanut butter cake with chocolate ganache frosting surround by peanut-butter fudge bars. I love my sister in law! I think I gained 10 pounds. Then we went out to my parent's land and shot off a crap ton of fireworks. That was the jam!

So the question is, how about 27? 27 was more on the bummer side. I was with people who weren't necessarily good enough friends to tell that it was my birthday. I don't know if that makes sense at all. But that's what type of friends they are, friends I didn't want to tell it was my birthday. And we weren't in Auckland. I thought we were going to be back at a decent hour so I could hang out with some friends, but it didn't happen. Such is life. But I came home late to a bunch of awesome e-mails, phone messages, and gifts in the mail, so the night was totally great! I really love the people I have in my life! And I'm pretty excited for 27. I think it's going to be an adventure.

Here are some pictures from where I was this weekend. I guess it's called the Bay of Plenty region of the North Island. It was pretty, but a bit cold.

So what else is new? I'm writing my face off as usual. I completed my first draft by the end of the first semester and now am elbows deep in the mire that is revision. A tip to any writers out there, be really deliberate in thinking of the POV of your story. It will save you a bunch of work in the long run. But I'm pretty pleased with the directions the change in POV is taking the novel. It is slowly becoming something I would actually pick up and read, which is good.

I know some of you know this news already, but one of the cool recent events in my life is the fact that I have a story called "A Delicate and Lofty Man" that is going to be published by Random House NZ. It will be included in a collection of stories called "The Sovereignty of Words" that is due out in NZ next February. So all this writing and ignoring of the blog is paying off!

Other important events. I visited my girlfriend Emily in Texas in June. Her parents graciously opened up their home to me for two weeks and I had a time full of awkward movies, chocolate covered pretzels, fine art, One Tree Hill, Phantom of the Opera, Matt Chandler, playing Legos and making rock faces with the Schwartz's, going to church, eating great food (including homemade avocado ice cream), getting my flesh burned off in the Texas sun, watching a shark eat a plane, being inspired by a movie about an Evangelical potato farmer, and overall immensely enjoying my time with Emily. The two weeks went by way too fast, but that seems to be how time works in my recent life.

Come November 17th I will be leaving Auckland. I will be moving to Houston to work as a teacher (adjunct faculty at a community college). I would appreciate any prayers and good vibes. It is exciting to be moving forward once again, and I'm extremely confident in the direction my life is moving.

Right now I'm sitting with a near-hairless cat on my lap. Her name is Rags. I'm watching her and Bruno (a chihuahua) for my friends Zak and Janie. There's nothing more peaceful than a purring cat on a lap. Even if said cat is a bit wrinkly and weird looking.

Okay, that's some of my life at the moment. I will try to have another update soon. Bring on the cupcakes!!! (I'm a sucker for positive reinforcement!)

*Edit* It has been brought to my attention that I made it sound like I already have work lined up in Houston. This is not the case, I just have a particular path I am moving down at the moment. With the line of work I am pursuing, there is not really the option of lining up work this far in advance. So I can use those prayers and good thoughts! Sorry for the confusion.


  1. you rock, trav. thanks for the update! now i actually have to figure out how to send you cupcakes, and how to get them past customs! we're guessing they got a hold of your birthday present...

  2. woo-hoo! finally an update! although, with as seldom as you blog, you probably won't find this until you turn 31. Happy belated birthday, tho, whether you find this now or then. we're excited you'll be living so close (so we should see each other every 10 years or so, right?). And, just so you have some company (that misery loves), my grandfather was buried on my 16th birthday. That wasn't a good one for me.
